The Lords Prayer – Part One

The LORD Jesus Christ taught his Disciples to pray, and to address God as their Father. But how can this be? How can we address God as our Father? He is the Almighty, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is “from everlasting to everlasting” (Ps90:3). He is the...

Meet Mark Carrick

I have worked for Royal Mail for almost 10 years, over various roles and stints, starting life as an IT Engineer in Manor Offices, Chesterfield and now running the IT Service Improvement programme from Rowland Hill House.  Throughout my time here I have met many, many...

Case Study

I have worked for Royal Mail for almost 10 years, over various roles and stints, starting life as an IT Engineer in Manor Offices, Chesterfield and now running the IT Service Improvement programme from Rowland Hill House.  Throughout my time here I have met many, many...

The Lords Prayer – Part two

THE LORD’S PRAYER (2b[1]):     OUR FATHER ….   The LORD Jesus Christ taught his Disciples to pray, and to address God as their Father.   But how can this be?   How can we address God as our Father?   He is the Almighty, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.   He is...

Who do you think you are?

I love the TV program ‘Who do you think you are?’ Sometimes I find the unravelling stories from the past of ordinary men and women who have struggled against incredible hardship and deprivation extremely moving and inspirational. One of the things that I always find...

Are You Still on the Right Route?

John Hopper, a member of the CIC Panel of Consultants, ministers to Royal Mail staff in Edinburgh in his role as a Missionary with the Edinburgh City Mission. He writes: As I continue to visit Royal Mail Delivery Offices throughout Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders,...


Growing plants from seed can be very rewarding. Take tomatoes for example. The seeds, some potting compost, small plastic flower pots and a bowl to stand them in, are the main ingredients. The instructions say that they should be covered (a plastic bag will do), kept...

Psalm 37 – Trust in the Lord and Wait for Him

We live in very uncertain political, economic, crisis centered world. Is there any hope of a new way to live without stress, worry, anguish and uncertainty? What more encouragement or instruction do we need for a Christ centered life than: Trust in the Lord (v3)...

Of Gods and Men

Of Gods and Men Theological students, bishops, soldiers, journalists, are amongst the many who I know have already enjoyed “Of Gods and Men,” (Des Hommes et des Dieux). There are parallels in this film for those of us based in the workplace especially as...

Teach Me To Listen…

Teach Me To Listen… What are your workplace hopes and aspirations? What are your fears and concerns? And, more significantly, what are you praying for? Perhaps we are tempted to ask God to provide us with coworkers who are always hardworking, well behaved and...
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